Our Annual Members Meeting occurred on August 25, 5:30 PM @ NP Middle School.
Here is a recap of the meeting:
Calvary Church of New Prague Annual Meeting Recap
August 25, 2024 | 5:30 PM @ New Prague Middle School
54 Members Present:
A required quorum of 10.7 (10% of membership) was met.
Pastor Robert Doleshal
Howard Braith
Kurt Stepka
Elder Candidates
Dustin Sammons
Andrew Nelson
Aron Yingling
Calvary Staff
Tabitha Hurt
Katherine Kaczor
Craig Larson
Members and Regular Attenders
Call to Order – Howard Braith – 5:35 PM
- Opening remarks and welcome. – Pastor Robert Doleshal
- Opening Prayer. – Pastor Robert Doleshal
Agenda Item: Motion to Adopt By-Law Changes – Howard Braith
A 67% (36) majority of meeting attendees is required to adopt amendments to the by-laws.
- Voting process (Ballot)
- Announcement of the voting results.
- Motion carried by an overwhelming majority.
Agenda Item: Motion to Affirm Elder Candidates – Howard Braith
- Voting process (Ballot)
- Motion carried by an overwhelming majority.
Agenda Item: Motion to Adopt 2024-2025 Budget – Howard Braith
Appreciation was expressed for Bob Reed and his hard work and dedication.
- Presentation of the proposed budget. – Bob Reed
- The 2024-2025 budget contains HR funds for PTO (almost $9000).
- voting process (show of hands)
- Motion carried by an overwhelming majority.
Agenda Item: Elder Chairman Comments – Howard Braith
I have two recent, negative, stories about our church. One family left the church stating the reason was the amount of bickering occurring. Another incident occurred at Energize 2024 when a visitor asked if someone could point out our “half-Pastor”. When asked why, the response was that someone who attended Calvary had informed them that our new pastor wasn’t good.
We must guard our mouths concerning our church and how we present it to our neighbors and others in the community, as well as how we interact with each other.
We should be using our mouths to ask God to bless us, we are called here as one of the only expositional (as pertains to The Scripture) churches in the area, and our words are key in the community.
On a positive note, there is general agreement on the need for a worship leader. With the new slate of Elders, planning can begin to achieve that. Another budget will be presented once the details are put together, so the church can see how God is leading us to the next level. As soon as we know more, you will know more.
Agenda Item: Phase II (Building Task Force) Update – Kurt Stepka
Grateful for Howard sharing his heart, we all lost sleep over happenings at the church, but God is sovereign, and we know that. We are grateful for each and every one of you.
- Update on the progress of Phase II.
- Bob Reed: The meeting with the city went well, with questions concerning building materials, ponding, and water access fees ($60,000) and what can the city do for us. The city proposed dividing the water access fee per acre so that we can pay in installments.
- Kurt Stepka: Wade Fradenburgh is working on the capital campaign…please prayerfully consider if asked to help with that.
• Closing Prayer – Kurt Stepka: 6:41 PM