Calvary Church Elder Board
Calvary Church’s Elder Board desires to shepherd the Calvary Body in an ever-growing relationship with Christ through the teaching of God’s Word and the fellowship of the Body.
Feel free to contact them with questions about the Calvary Body.
Howard Braith
Kurt Stepka
Dustin Sammons
Aron Yingling
Andrew Nelson

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:8-10
Craig Larson
My name is Craig Larson, and I am the Youth Director (6th-12th) here at Calvary Church. Right alongside me, serving the youth, is my amazing wife Rachel. She has been my best friend for 11 years (7 years of marriage), and she has been encouraging me to keep growing in my relationship with Jesus.
As a family, we are passionate about youth ministry because we believe 6th-12th graders are both an integral part to the church body right now & are the going to be a light for Jesus as they prepare for adulthood. All students are welcomed into a community of imperfect students, that are falling in love with a perfect savior.
Please reach out to myself with any questions about myself, our ministry, or anything else!

Tabitha Hurt
Tabitha has been attending Calvary Church since 2015 and has served in multiple areas of our church including worship, children’s, and women’s ministry. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and has multiple years of administration experience. Her experience as a “missionary kid” has ingrained in her a deep desire to serve the local body of Christ in any way the Father asks. She is passionate about Truth, family, music, food, movie-naps, and learning. Please feel free to contact her at the church office with any questions!

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians 4:8
Katherine Kaczor
Katherine has been working with kids from a very early age. From being the oldest of 5, to daycare, and PCA work – she’s been working to learn about children, how they learn, and what makes them tick from day one.
In 2019, the Lord put on her heart to begin work in Children’s Ministry as a volunteer with Calvary. Now, with 2 kids of her own in the Children’s programs, that’s where you’ll find her most of the time.
She’s very family oriented and spends a lot of time with her husband, Jimmy, and their kids as well as the extended family. She enjoys reading with her kids (or, on rare occasions, by herself), watching movies as a family, and singing.
Feel free to contact her with any questions about Calvary’s Children’s Ministry!